This isn’t another profile on yet another social media platform. This is a unique, enduring, and cryptographically-secured identifier that you own forever.
It’s a new way to think about who you can be online that leverages the newest technologies. Your identifier is baked in at the lowest level of the project so spoofing is near-impossible.
More than a name; it’s a fully functional computer with an entire ecosystem of apps (with more being developed all the time).
Don’t see what you want? You can make it yourself. The passport is built on open-source technology, so there are no gatekeepers to what you can develop yourself.

Your computer talks to other computers like it across the globe. It’s a completely new kind of internet using completely new protocols that ride on top of the existing infrastructure. This is much like the way that the internet of the 90’s used phone lines; this network is something completely new.
Since your computer talks to thousands of others on the network, you will meet others who feel the call of the wild. You’ll connect with people who share your need to live on the edge of civilization.
You’ll also have the tools to make a group where your friends can hang out. Make it public. Make it private. Make it super secret. It’s all under your control. Make a competitive reading group. Or a chess club. Or join someone else’s.

When you use a MegaCorp service, you are using borrowed equipment. All of your posts, messages, and comments belong to the MegaCorp.
Not so, here. It’s your network. It’s your computer. It’s your information. Even if you want to pack up and go somewhere else you can; because it’s all yours (and always will be).
You don’t have to figure it out yourself. We take care of all the technical stuff: running a unix environment, booting the planet with a custom pill, ensuring smooth OTAs, and more.
If any of that is confusing, that’s exactly why we’re handling it all for you. With one big difference from the MegaCorps: you own everything. Want to run it yourself? Awesome. Take over at any time. We’ll keep your lights on until that day comes.

a project by ~minder-folden